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May 2019: Concern for the Venezuelans

May 23, 2019

Dear Family and Friends,

Good morning!  Is it really MAY?!?  Two days ago, we enjoyed a snowstorm that blessed us with 5 inches of very wet, heavy snow. . . all the potted flowers came back in the house again!  Meanwhile, Richard returned to Ecuador last week and is thawed out and ‘boiling’. . . as my dad would say, “It’s a cooker!”

Briefly, we wanted to share a major blessing regarding our truck dilemma that we asked you to pray about. . . Gratefully we were given a donation to cover the costs of sending Jose to school for his commercial license – takes 6 months and he starts next Saturday. (You can only imagine how thrilled he is!)  And, until that is completed, we have a part time young man, Moises – well known to the community – who is jobless and has a baby on the way.  He has his truck driving license so at the moment he is filling in a few days a week or full time when one of the water technicians are on vacation.  We are humbled as we recall wondering, “What are we going to do!!”  (…and God taking care of it all as we are scratching our heads!).

Give a round of applause for our board members who moved us through the Mission Hills Church bazaar. . .which I might add went very well.  Currently, Amy Intriago (Board Chairlady) is organizing a work schedule for the upcoming “Parker Days,” June 7th, 8th and 9th.  We are at this event because of another thoughtful person’s gesture to reserve/finance a booth for us. I hear that ‘presentation’ is everything . . . and we’d like to put our best foot forward.

Richard’s return to Floron last week has been timely; not only legally but as always, for practical maintenance around the clinic and especially with the water purification system.  He has found a local man who can clean the ‘RO’s’ (No, I don’t exactly know what they are except it is very, very necessary in the proper functioning of purifying the water). So, this man is able to maintain the system’s ‘RO’s’ and chemicals at a much lower cost.  It is always desirous to use local professionals than to pay to bring them from Manta which is over an hour away.

And, I’d like to tell you about Genesis who is the sister of Diana, who is going through nursing school due to assistance by a generous couple at church.  Now, this dear couple are also helping Genesis who is going through nurse’s aide training.  Hope you ‘enjoy’ this picture of Genesis taking a stab at giving an injection. 

Now it is definite, during our October Medical Mission we will spend at least one, possibly two days out of the five in treating Venezuelan Refugees.  Dra. Silvia has spoken with her pastor and their church will be used for this purpose.  In the past the youth of this congregation have been serving Saturday meals to the refugees.  The Missionary Alliance Church is strategically located in Portoviejo on the main highway where many of the Venezuelans line the street to wash car windows.  I talked with an Ecuadorian pediatrician friend to inquire about the situation.  She said the concern is monumental; for example, there may be as much as 30 Venezuelans living in a one-bedroom apartment. . . Concern is for tuberculosis and other diseases that arise from crowded, impoverished conditions such as these.  I have asked for local, Ecuadorian physicians to join/unite with our medical mission team in October.  Please pray The Lord will move in their hearts to work together in this most concerning, humanitarian situation.

Friends, please keep in your prayers:

  • Thanksgiving for the answer to our truck driving dilemma.

  • Success for Jose as he attends the truck driving schooling.

  • More physicians, NPs or PAs for the October Medical Mission and if not, wise utilization of whom we have.  And, Ecuadorian physicians agreeing to join us.

  • Richard’s protection/wisdom as he and Dra. Silvia attempt to finalize legal water license changes with ARCSA (government agency that oversees water production as part of food processing regulations).

As we move through challenging times here in the USA and abroad may our focus remain fixed on Our Almighty God who has promised to never leave or forsake us. His sovereign plan allows us to move forward with total confidence, the compassion of Jesus and His unending love.

Dios los bendiga,

Elizabeth and Richard <><

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